Explanations of tests for misophones available for free:
If you discover misophonia and want to know if you have this disorder,
Or if you are a misophone and wish to measure the evolution of your misophonia over time:
Then you are at the right place !
Hello and welcome to Benfeel.com, the first website which offers solutions and tools dedicated to misophones to learn how to measure and control their misophonia to improve their daily lives.
Below this video, two tests are available for free.
First, if you wish to determine whether or not you are misophone, I invite you to complete the “Misophonia Test” based on 14 simple checkbox questions, which will allow you to know if you are misophone or not with a reliability of 95.5%.
Secondly, if you are sure of being misophone and you wish to measure the effectiveness of a treatment, a therapy, or simply to know the natural evolution of your misophonia, if it tends to calm down, to stabilize or get worse over time, I invite you to take the “Test Evolution” below.
Now you know which test is the most suitable for you, so I invite you to click below on the test that you want to complete.
As a reminder, these tests are completely free and you can discover your results via a private area, which we call the control space, on which all of your tests will be saved and accessible so that you can re-read your old tests or compare with new results whenever you want.
A video presentation is available on each test in case you want to learn more and know where they come from and how they work.
So here we go, I invite you to start your test and see you soon in the next video!
"Test Misophonia"
Discover if you are Misophone with 95.5% reliability
Hello, in this video I’m going to explain where this test comes from, when and how to use it and why we chose this test and not another one!
This test is the result of recent studies carried out in Poland and published on the various scientific publication websites around March 10, 2020.
I recommend that you complete this test in the following 3 cases:
First, You have just discovered misophonia and you want to know if you have it.
Second, You think you are misophone but you would like to be sure.
Third, You are convinced that you are a misophone but you have never done a test before.
Obviously, this test is not a medical advice and is not intended to replace one.
However, this test comes from a scientific study in which 60 questions were analyzed on more than 700 people to select the most relevant and reliable questions to detect misophonia.
This is how they were able to carry out this final questionnaire of 14 questions which has a 95.5% reliability in identifying misophonia! It’s just amazing.
I am very happy to be able to make this test available via the misophone control space that I have developed and that I offer completely free of charge to everyone who needs it.
As a reminder, this test is a self-assessment which depends on the answers you give and therefore I advise you to complete it in a quiet place, without pressure, away from prying eyes and have time to focus and answer as honestly and sincerely as possible, without hiding your emotions or your feelings.
In summary, the accuracy of the test depends on the accuracy of your answers, so take the time to take this test.
If you are testing for the first time in an unsuitable environment, do not hesitate to come back to this page and complete the test for free as many times as you need.
Once the test has been carried out in a suitable environment, we advise you not to repeat the test.
The reason is simple, the test is being affected by the answers of the one who completes it, we noticed that some people who do not get the expected result tend to repeat the test to influence their answers and the results which is by lying to themselves even by not answering questions very honestly, …
Personally, I find that it doesn’t really make sense, …
If you are taking the test and the results indicate that you are most likely not misophone, then you should simply make an appointment with a medical doctor and assess with him what your disorder could be by taking into consideration that misophonia should not be your problem.
You may have obsessive-compulsive disorder, hyperacusis, behavioral disorders, in short, there are many other disorders which sometimes are confused with misophonia and they can also be co-morbidities, that is to say that they can both be present in the same person.
So in summary, this test is to be completed once in good condition and you should only repeat it if the environment of the first test was not ideal.
On the other hand, if you wish to measure the evolution of your misophonia, we have another test available which is intended for this need and you can access it for free.
A link to this evolution test can be found at the bottom of the website under the name of “Evolution Misophonia”.
You will also find this link on the result page after completing this misophonia test.
If you have already done other tests and you wonder why we have chosen to put this test online and not another one, know that so far, no other test has been analyzed, tested and validated by other researchers.
The other available tests are often based on tests of other disorders, such as OCD or behavioral disorders and are then adapted for misophonia.
Conversely, this misophonia test that we offer is based on studies that have been validated by other researchers and it is a questionnaire created directly for misophones.
It is also the first test to reveal such high reliability.
As a reminder, studies show a 95.5% reliability in identifying misophonia!
Now you know where this test came from, when and how to use it, and why we chose this test and not another one!
So I invite you to start your test and see you soon in the next video!
"Evolution Misophonia"
Measure the evolution of your Misophonia over time
If you see this video and you are misophone, know that you are perfectly in the right place.
So listen carefully to this entire video because the information which will follow is only available here and will help you to correctly measure the evolution of your misophonia!
I reassure you, measuring the evolution of your misophonia is easy and fast, and I’ll explain everything in this video.
First, I’ll explain where this test comes from, how it works, and then you’ll find out when and how often we recommend using it.
This test comes from the A-MISO-S evaluation scale which was conceptualized by researchers who wanted to find points in common with misophones to determine diagnostic criteria that could become references for this disorder.
However, they realized that there were different levels of misophonia.
Some were very severely affected while others had almost no symptoms.
They therefore decided to create this evaluation scale, also called “Amsterdam Scale for Misophonia” which measures the severity of the symptoms of misophonia.
This scale is an adapted version of Yale-Brown’s obsessive-compulsive scale. They chose to base themselves on this scale of evaluation which had already proven its effectiveness, its precision and its adaptability for other disorders.
This test will analyze 6 elements to measure the severity of your misophonia.
You will be asked about the time that misophonia occupies in your day; its interference with your social functioning; your level of anger; your resistance to impulse; the control you have over your thoughts and anger; and the time you spent avoiding misophonic situations.
After answering these few questions, the test will display a score that will give you a reliable and precise indication of how mild, moderate, severe or extreme your current misophonia situation is.
Scores from 0 to 4 are considered as subclinical misophonic symptoms (it’s a sign that can be observed in the misophone before he exhibits symptoms)
Scores 5 to 9 are considered mild symptoms, 10 to 14 moderate, 15 to 19 severe, and 20 to 24 extreme.
You will obviously find this information on the result page when you have completed this evolution test.
We recommend that you complete this test in the following 3 cases:
First, If you want to know if your disorder improves, stabilizes or worsens over time.
Second, If you are under the care of a therapist or health professional and you wish to evaluate the effectiveness of these therapy or treatment on your misophonia over time.
Third, If you practice meditation, relaxation, self-therapy, sports or any other activity and you want to see the impact of these activities on your misophonia and assess this impact over time.
Obviously, this test is not medical advice and is not intended to replace one.
However, I am very happy to be able to make this test available via the misophonia control space that I have developed and that I offer completely free of charge to everyone who needs it.
Regarding how many times you must do the the evolution test, well, feel free to do it on your own preferences , however, we recommend doing this test once a week so that the answers reflect an average of the severity of your misophonia out of 7 days, which gives a more precise result and less affected by your emotion of the day.
Because by doing this progress test every day, you will not objectively measure the severity of your misophonia but rather your feelings of the day.
So in summary, if you want to objectively and precisely measure your misophonia, I recommend that you take this test with at least 3 days of difference between each test and ideally 7 days between each test.
If you want to keep a daily journal of your feelings with your misophonia, then you can obviously take a test every day.
In any case, the control space we offer is completely free and without limits, so feel free to complete as many tests as you want!
If you want to find out if you are misophone or not, we have another test available which is intended for this need and which is also available for free.
A link to this test can be found at the bottom of the website under the name of “Test Misophonia”.
I advise you to first take the misophonia test before the evolution test if you are not sure if you are misophone or if you have never done a test before.
As a reminder, this test is a self-assessment which depends on the answers you give and therefore I advise you to complete it in a calm place, without pressure, sheltered from prying eyes and have time to focus and answer as honestly and sincerely as possible, without hiding your emotions or your feelings.
In summary, the accuracy of the test depends on the accuracy of your answers, so take the time to take this test.
Now you know where this test comes from, how it works and how often we recommend using it!
So I invite you to start your test and see you soon in the next video!